The UK is uniquely positioned in Europe for accommodating shoots of any size – from the smallest documentary units to closing off streets for huge Hollywood productions, the UK can do it all. Trust us to smooth the process when applying for filming permits in London.
UK Fixer St James Park Royal Park Location Permitting in London
London has some of the best facilities houses, locations, studios and crew in the world – so, given the right lead time, at UK Fixer we’re able to put together a production and location package that suits your shoot. At UK-Fixer, we’ve specialised for years in permitting locations. As Britain comes out of pandemic crisis mode and the industry begins to emerge from its hiatus, shoots are beginning again – you can write to us for the very latest on how permitting is being affected in the area that you want to shoot. Applying for filming permits in London might seem like an easy task if you know where you want to shoot, but at UK Fixer our relationships with the main permitting offices means that we know exactly who to speak to, what the deadlines are and where there is wiggle room for you and your production. Let UK-Fixer be your one-stop shop for all your service production needs; from handling applying for filming permits in London on your production, to crewing, facilities and whatever else is required.
Permitting locations is often seen as a tedious task, but it needn’t be that way. UK Fixer has handled dozens of location permitting jobs over the years and continues to be a leader in service production in the UK. There are so many great locations in London that are just one permit away from appearing in your production. With its 32 boroughs, applying for filming permits in London can be a strange and confusing business. Whether it’s the vast expanse of Hampstead Heath or a more urban location that you need, we can help guide and advise you through the requirements of shooting in London. As well as the more traditional aspects of fixing, such as taking care of accommodation, transport and crewing for you, UK Fixer provides many more services beyond that – location permitting being just one of these. Do you have a documentary series that has on-the-fly and changeable location permitting requirements? UK Fixer has you covered. Usually (and depending on the permitting authority), applying for permits has a minimum lead time of three days, but we strive to maintain great connections with all the leading boroughs in London so that we can open the lines of communication way before that to anticipate any last-minute changes.
Location Permit Logo for Permitting in London
And though we’ve got the whole of the UK covered, applying for permits in London is something that almost every production coming to the UK will need to do. Take a look at some of our recent productions to see some of the great locations we’ve been lucky enough to work with. Whether it’s permitting at the Shard (London’s tallest skyscraper) for Twining’s, or the Royal Parks for Netflix series ‘Somebody Feed Phil’ and ‘Chelsea’, UK Fixer has guided many productions’ location needs to success. So, if your production is looking at permitting locations in London, look no further than UK Fixer. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we’ve seen it all before and our dedicated crew members will see that your production runs smoothly and safely.
“We’ve Got the UK Covered”